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Sweet Black Soybeans


10 min


2.5 hours





  • 1 cup black soybeans, washed (washed differently than other beans; take a clean, damp kitchen towel and place the beans in it; cover the beans up in the towel and gently but firmly roll or knead the towel over the beans; repeat this 2 to 3 times, rinsing and wringing out the towel occasionally)

  • 2,5 - 3 cups water

  • 1/4 tsp sea salt or shoyu soy sauce

  • barley malt, rice syrup, or mirin

Пошаговое Приготовление

  1. Place the beans in a bowl, add water and sea salt. Soak overnight or 6 to 9 hour (soaked and cooked with salt water to keep the skins on). 

  2. Place the beans and soaking water in a heavy stainless steel pot, bring to a boil, reduce flame to medium-low and leave uncovered. A gray foam will float to the top of the beans. Skim off and discard this foam along with any loose skins. It may be necessary to add water occasionally just to cover the beans. When the beans are about 80% done (about 2 to 2 1/2 hours), add a few drops of shoyu.

  3. Cook until almost all the liquid is gone. Then mix the beans to coat them with the remaining sweet juice. Sweeten these beans, occasionally, by adding a little barley malt, rice syrup, or mirin.

Автор Рецепта/Источник

Michio and Aveline Kushi

© 2020 - 2025 by Ella Zibitsker.

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